R/E/P > Klaus Heyne's Mic Lab Stickies
Is this a real KM84?
guy mcdude:
Hello All,
I came across this mic ( pictured on the far left) as I was interested in adding to my others.
A few things struck me as odd.
the three "drill marks" on the connector ring
and after now having it in my possession for evaluation, I noticed its very different cosmetically than my other three.
[silk screened model]
[different serial number font]
[ different pad switch]
[different color]
so....Im wondering could this be a counterfeit?
the sound is close...but I've heard bigger differences in "known" microphones.
any insight would be appreciated.
all the best,
guy mcdude:
picture of the 3 drill marks.
The housing tube looks genuine. All KM8x mics of the last generation had the model number painted on, rather than embossed.
The same goes for the surface: your mic is the matte-TV-gray version ("MT" or "Anthrazit") Neumann offered for applications where the mic should not be as visible (i.e. when used in videos).
As to the three round drill marks: no idea how they got there, but they could be identification marks added by a previous owner.
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