I am lucky to own two original 1176LN Revision H. On one of them, the Meter is behaving in mysterious ways....... Badly enough that I cannot calibrate the unit.
It just keeps doing different things. I am trying to figure out if it is mechanical or electrical or bizarrely both.
Starting from right now it is off. Meter at approx -10Vu. If I gently drum on the meter with my fingers, it will descend to around -inf.
Turn on GR button..... It will rise to 0VU. +4 or +8 it drops down to around -10, and again the drumming will get it to drop to -inf.
Now, during Cal attempts it will sometimes just stick somewhere in the middle, like 12 O Clock. Again drumming will get it to drop or a blast of tone will rise it seemingly normally.
Details:- I think is is intermittently wavering a minute amount, as if the DC driving it is dirty.
On a voice test the meter behaves seemingly normally, including GR, but again settles at -10VU.
Mea Culpa, I have adjusted the mechanical zero in the past. I did not realise this was a do not touch, factory setting.
If I am further lucky, someone here will have seen this type of behaviour before......
Also, where could I buy a new Meter if I need one?
Tx in advance, DD