Well, that would hold true if everything was simple and fair. It's not and I never realized in the 13 years I was a participating member there, how bad gearslutz was. I mostly lurked in the many beginning years there. Because I been involved in producing, recording, mixing since the 70's, I have a little knowledge to share... but as we all know, you'll have your hand full of nasties, and you'll occasionally have your thugs who write like sweethearts, but be-little and defame you... I call them forum thugs! just because they can, especially since they are anonymous. Then you also have your youngins... most of them want to learn and try to be kind... but it seems many of them get over 50 posts and they become know-it-all and downright belligerent. As I said, gearslutz forums do have a lot of really knowledgeable and nice folks, but it is the so many bad ones to weed through, including the thug moderators who only see their side of everything and are sheer disrespectful preeks (one in particular)! I posted this to see what others on here think. Perhaps I am alone in thinking all this... maybe, maybe not.