So i'm building a home studio, and that question is most disturbing for me. Someone recommend 50, someone more - 90, 110.
I want to use 50 for broadband panels to supress early reflections, and 110 for corner bass traps. But there is some uncertainty with density of rockwoll for that. Someone tells that 110 is too dense and can reflect bass waves, someone tells the opposite - that 110 is more efficient on very low freqs, but no one have any measurements to show the real difference. On online calculator 110 is more efficient on lows, but what about possible reflections of bass waves from "too dence" material? Does anyone have any calculations or formulas for that? I intend to use typical half and half triangles from one standart plate 120x60 or 100x50, so one triangle have sides of 50x50х70 (depth from corner to trap supface = 36 cm), or 60x60х84 (depth from corner to trap supface = 43 cm). So, how i can calculate density/refrelcion frequency of that chunks? What density should i use?