R/E/P > Acoustics in Motion

Auralex vs Primacoustics vs ???

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Jared Scott:
I'm sure this topic was beaten to death over on the old forums.  I am a live sound guy so I spent my online lurking tome on the SR forums.  If my question would be better answered by a previous discussion, please just point me in the correct direction.

Working on building a relatively low budget studio with a few friends.  We already have our pre-amps, interfaces, mics, computer, software, etc picked out.  We're 95% settled on the space we plan on using.  It is commercial carpet flooring, cinder block walls, and drop tile ceiling.  Approximate dimensions of the main "live" room would be 16ft x 12ft.  We would be free to do more or less anything to this room we like.  I can get pics if necessary if that would be of help.

Assuming a budget of around $3500 for acoustic treatments, what would be the suggestion?  I like what Auralex has to offer a bit more, one of my partners is really big into the Primacoustic stuff.  What brand, and what line from either brand do you feel would work the best for a medium treatment (I'm not looking for a dead room, just general control of standing waves and resonances)

With a budget in this area I would look at DIY for a part of it and save some budget, maybe 30% of it, to buy the more complicated things to build like diffusors. Basic broadband & bass traps aren't difficult at all to DIY and there is no reason why they would not perform just as good as the ready made ones. It's important to choose the right type of Rockwool / OC etc. for the purpose.

It' s mostly a question of how good a craftsman you are and if you have the time to do it. If you feel you don't then there are indeed a lot of options out there. On top of those you mention GIK Panels comes to mind.

If you DIY your panels, I recommend using 703. It is slightly more rigid and requires less framing for support than RW3. A cool trick for sharp edges is to use drywall corner-bead (tin or plastic) and cut to fit with some tin-snips.


Greetings everybody, congratulations for a new forum! :)

--- Quote from: Jared Scott on January 19, 2011, 02:24:29 AM ---..........
Assuming a budget of around $3500 for acoustic treatments, what would be the suggestion?  I like what Auralex has to offer a bit more, one of my partners is really big into the Primacoustic stuff.  What brand, and what line from either brand do you feel would work the best for a medium treatment (I'm not looking for a dead room, just general control of standing waves and resonances)

--- End quote ---

From my experience you can get a better results if you do-it-yourself your acoustics treatment
with rockwoll, fabric, wood and some glue and screws, for $3500, than with any of Primacoustics
 or Auralex ready-to-install packages with same price (your labor not included, btw  :D)

but of course... someone's mileage may vary.  :)

Good luck!

DIY acoustics works. Correct implementation of air gaps behind panels can give very satisfying results. I have cannibalized old mattresses and used the foam for bass traps with highly pleasing results.


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