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Lots of audio for sale
Brad Gibson:
8 The ART 351 Single Channel 31-Band Equalizer rack ears are bent $75 each
1 24x4 200ft split snake system. The FOH side passes signal perfectly. There is a bad spot about 10 ft down the trunk but it does not effect the FOH signal. The monitor trunk has several tears in the outer jacket but they do not appear to breach the inner cables (the outer jacket only is torn). ch 9,17 and 20 pass low level signal as if they have dropped a leg. This can be easily repaired. The monitor trunk has a elco disconnect. $600.00
1 Whirl Wind Meduesa 20x4 100ft split snake system. The FOH trunk is about 100ft long, has 21 channels and 6 returns. The MON trunk is 30ft long and has 20 channels. This snake is in perfect working order. $600.00
1 24x4 100ft snake system. Chanel 13 does not pass signal. $400.00
1 TC Electronic M2000 Professional Reverb USED original box and manual PERFECT WORKING ORDER LIKE NEW!!! $599.00
1 Roland Digital Delay SDE-1000 USED IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION $250.00
1 Model 355 Dual 31-Band 1/3 Octave Graphic Equalizer $100.00
1 Studio Master Stage Master 16x6 monitor console $Best Offer
Pics available upon request. Buyer pays actual shipping. Will take PayPal
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